I love to write about research and technology. Follow me on medium: @poojitagarg:)
I love to talk about things I am passionate about <3. I have been a speaker at Google Developers Group San Jose and Women Who Code in the past.
I am a strong believer in learning by teaching philosophy. I love to teach different technologies, especially Python and Mobile.
Feature Editor at ACM XRDS (formerly Crossroads) student magazine.
Student Volunteer for ACM Ubicomp 2022
Here is a growing list of my writing, speaking and teaching activities. Enjoy!
Write: Article “Digital Masquerade: Privacy in Plain Sight”, blog
Editor: Starting as feature editor for ACM XRDS (formerly Crossroads) Magazine!
Speak: “10 tips to code like a pythonista!” for Women Who Code BlockDataPy Summit, video
Speak: CFP reviewer and moderator for Women Who Code Connect Recharge conference
Speak: Women Who Code’s Dev Conference Connect Recharge ⚡️ 2022 talk: Android Sensors 101
Speak: Guest Speaker at ATalks organized by Alumni Affairs Cell, UIET, Panjab University
Speak: Speaker for CONNECT Recharge 2022 ⚡️ Pre Conference Twitter Space with Madona, Vui, Navati, and Poojita
Write: Published a blog in Illumination on 10 tips to get you into top 10 grad schools
Speak/ Host: Organizing and hosting monthly Meet and Greet at WWCode Python , group picture
Speak: Speaker at “Open Mic - Community Discussion with Our Youth attendees” for International Women's Day Northeast 2022 , group picture
Speak: Moderating talk on Squeaky Clean Code: How to Adopt Better Coding Practices , presentation screenshot , video
Teach: Organizing and Instructing a 3-part series with Women Who Code Python on Introduction to Coding Environments for Python , video , github
Speak: Women Who Code Mobile on A guide on Developing cross-platform mobile apps for IoT devices , slides , project , video
Write: Published a blog in Illumination on Research Article vs. Review Article
Speak: Women Who Code Data Science on A Hitchhiker's Guide to Publishing Research Articles , video , slides
Write: Published a blog in Age of Awareness on 5 Steps To Publishing Your First Research Article
Speak: Moderating talk on Migrating Compose App to Material You! , presentation screenshot
Speak: Women Who Code Python on How to Build a WhatsApp Chatbot Using Python and Twilio , slides , video
Speak: Moderating talk on How an Egg timer app got me every interview , presentation screenshot
Speak: Google Developers Group San Jose on Developing cross-platform mobile apps for IoT devices , video , slides , github
Write: Published a blog in Python in Plain English on How to build a WhatsApp chatbot using Python and Twilio
Teach: Organized and Instructed a 4-part series with Women Who Code Python on Less is More: How to Code Python in One Line , video , slides
Write: Published a blog in Javascript in Plain English on Develop Cross-platform Mobile Apps for IoT devices: An Easy Starter’s Guide