Empowering Novice Youth Co-Designers Through Tangible Coding Blocks 


Youth co-designers are often encouraged to share their lived experiences in collaborative design processes. However, their active participation can be hindered by limited knowledge and skill sets, particularly when technology is involved. In response to this challenge, we have developed Tangible Coding Blocks (TCB) designed to empower novice youth co-designers to engage in coding effortlessly, without the need for extensive education. The Tangible Coding Blocks consist of physical coding blocks and an integrated automation system. By introducing physical objects to the tabletop workspace, we aim to foster collaboration and tinkering, which are fundamental aspects of the co-design process. 

A still from the workshop organized (me as facilitator) for testing the Tangible Coding Blocks with middle school children.

In addition, the automated system transcribes tangible code through computer vision, seamlessly translating it into on-screen code. We anticipate that this smooth transition, requiring minimal facilitator assistance, will significantly enhance the co-designers’ sense of ownership and engagement in the activity.

Automatically converting the Tangible Code Blocks sequence created by the children to Block code for Microsoft MakeCode using Computer Vision.